Tuning file 5175557-00 Available for CATERPILLAR C13 12.8L 354kW/475HP ADEM IV Original power in KW: 354 Original power in PS: 481 ECU brand: CATERPILLAR ECU model: ADEM IV Software number: 5175557-00 Vehicle license plate or identification Required Available services Aggiornamento firmware (livello 1) Versione aggiornata del firmware con migliore efficienza del motore in termini di potenza e consumi.List of tables found in this firmware, the file you will receive will have changes in some of them, but not all, the most important ones: Iniezione 1Limitatore di coppia 2Limitatore di coppia You need to register or login to proceed! Buy original file 29.00 EUR Buy modified file 99.00 EUR Tools available for chip tuning New Genius slave From 1,490.00 EUR In stock New Trasdata slave From 1,190.00 EUR In stock There are no additional modules available for this vehicle